Tuesday, January 15, 2013

बोलना मना हैं, लेकिन बलात्कार नहीं।

इस देश की खासियत ही कुछ ऐसे है की जब गलत कामो के लिए किसीका हाथ उठता हैं, तब हमारी आवाज नहीं उठती। उन गलत कामो को रोकने की कोशिश नहीं होती। सो तो सो ऐसी बातो की आवाम चर्चा भी नहीं होती।
इन हलाथो को देखते हुए कुछ आश्चर्य नहीं होता जब भारतीयों को अपनी बात बताने की आज़ादी नहीं मिलती।
आवाज़ उठाना अपनी संस्कृति के खिलाफ है ऐसा माना जाता है। पर क्या इस देश की भलाई के लिए कुछ कहना गलत बात है? क्या जुर्म को रोकना, आम आदमी की परेशानियों को सामने लाना और अपने जजबातो को बयां करना गैरकानूनी है?
जब दिल्ली मै बलात्कारियों के खिलाफ मोर्चा चल रहा था, तब पुलिस ने मोर्चा मै शामिल होने वालो को दंडी दी।
यही दंड उन बलात्कारियों को क्यूँ नहीं मिली जब वोह इतना घिनौना कृत्य कर रहे थे?
क्या यह देश मै सब को अपने मुह पे ताला लगाके घूमना चाहिए?
क़ानून की दी गयी आजादियों का फायदा ही क्या जब आम जनता उनका उपयोग ही न कर सके?
कोई उनको बाते करने से क्यों नहीं रोकता जो औरतो को भला बुरा सुनाते है?
यह कैसी आज़ादी जहाँ पे जनता को उनके अधिकार का उपयोग ही नहीं?
असली आज़ादी चाहिए, तो लोगो की बातो को सुनो, उनकी तकलीफों को समझो, और देश को उनकी नज़रों से देखो। तभी भारत सचमुच आज़ाद होगा।

Sunday, January 6, 2013

What a writer thinks when asked to write 500 words

So I heard today that I needed to write a 500 word article today. Writing isn’t a problem. I can write. But things like writer’s block, low self-confidence, insufficient vocabulary, etc. come in the way of writing; which again is fine!

What’s not fine is other people stopping me from writing what I want to, what I feel to and what I need to.

The problem lies in the fact that I am asked to Shut Up before the sentence is complete, that I am asked to apologize before the conclusion is reached, that my writings are banned before they understand what I really want to say.

I should have the freedom to write according to my whim and fancy. Sounds too bold! But that’s a fact.

To accept it or not is one’s own discretion. And so is it to write or not!

I was asked to write a 500 word article today and I thought “Hey! I can do that.” But then mean thoughts started to creep into my head.

Ugly voices started saying, “No. you can’t write that, it’s apolitical.” “How could you criticize a mantri who has been elected by you, at your own will?” “Who are you talking ill about, the ones who can come after you once they read about it?” “You could be detained, arrested, imprisoned, and a lot more” “People are burned, bruised, shot, threatened and what not!”

So I paused, pondered and backspaced all that I’d written.

I was told that I needed to write 500 words. And I thought “Hey! Can I do that?” and then I thought why not? I can write about everything under the Sun (umm.. well.. almost!).

When I was told I was to write 500 words, I thought maybe it’s a Big Deal. But then what harm can 500 words actually do?

I could defame someone and so could I apologize. I could ruin someone’s reputation but restore it by foiling mine. I could expose some wrongdoing but soon it will be one among the many. I could make a good man look bad, but only to a few. I could probably also write something scandalous, like something one had never heard before, but then there’s a first time to everything right?

It’s problematic when it’s an official document, but is it so if it’s a personal blog?

If opinions of common men don’t matter among the powerful, why do common man’s writings, tarring their image matter so much to them?

If I knew I could write my 500 words without any fear, I could write better. I’m sure I would. But with the fear of reprimand, I thought I’d write about my feelings. Unless this too is outrageous, hurting religious feelings of any group, I see this writing as completely innocent. But as they say, ‘Trouble does not knock on the door before it arrives’

Nevertheless, living up to my word, I somehow managed writing this piece. With this, I end my 500 words!